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Japanese Knotweed

Whether you need one of our management plans or our help to identify, survey and accurately plot any Japanese Knotweed on your site, we have a vast amount of knowledge and experience to assist you from as early as the planning stage and beyond. We always advise that you aim to identify the Invasive Species as early as possible. Let us apply our expertise and put in place a realistic management plan that will really benefit your project. Any risk and cost to your development will be minimised and delays can be avoided; that is peace of mind for you.


Japanese Knotweed is a perennial plant that dies back in winter and re-emerges in spring. The asparaus-like shoots start to emerge mid-March to early April and are red-green in colour. As Japanese Knotweed grows throughout the summer, the red colour turns to deeper red speckles on an otherwise green stem and at full height it can reach up to 3 metres.

Japanese Knotweed was widespread on our site and through careful planning and understanding of the wider contamination issues you delivered a commercially sensitive and effective solution. Many thanks for a job well done.”

Chris Shaw, Senior Development Manager, Urban Splash

Over the past 10 years we have developed and improved upon a number of remediation techniques for Japanese Knotweed and other Invasive Species. Our speciality is on-site treatment methods, including burial, screening and the use of high performance geo-membranes, all of which are more cost-effective and benefit from Insurance Guarantees.