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Himalayan Balsam

Although an attractive plant, Himalayan Balsam is a pest and one of the most rapidly spreading Invasive weeds in Ireland. Each plant has the ability to spread up to 7 metres every season, making it difficult to eradicate without a coordinated approach, particularly around rivers and water courses. This species often takes hold following the treatment of Japanese Knotweed and other dense invasive species.


“Dealing with Japanese Knotweed can be an unwelcome necessity on some sites, yet Conor and the team have made the whole process as pain-free as possible for us. We certainly wouldn’t hesitate to use you again on future sites.”

Paul Sinclair, Technical Director, Redrow Homes

The plant can produce little pink flowers throughout the growing season and each plant has the potential to release over 2,500 seeds. The seeds are easily distributed by water, which goes some way towards explaining the extensive stands alongside water courses. One of the most effective methods of treatment can be manual cutting or pulling before the flower and seed pod matures, however it is time consuming and can take longer the a herbicide treatment programme. For further treatment methods please contact one of our experts.