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Can I obtain a guarantee for the works?

Yes, Invasive Plant Management can provide a third party guarantee for all of our works/treatment methods. Insurance terms are based on a 12 year period and cover both residential and commercial properties.

Can I spray the plants instead?

Some landscape companies do hold the license that is required to spray chemicals, however very few have the required experience to deal with Japanese Knotweed and other more problematic invasive species. In addition, such contractors are rarely able to offer a warranty or guarantee on their works.

Can Japanese Knotweed be killed with just one treatment?

In certain situations it is possible that a single chemical treatment (either foliar applied or direct injection) can kill Japanese Knotweed, however it is not advisable to expect an instant eradication. Any specialist in invasive species should make this clear to the client at all times. We would always recommend a follow-up treatment programme, which allows for the contractor to return to site and monitor progress.

Can I get a mortgage on my property when it has an infestation?

Always check with your mortgage provider/lender first.

Mortgage providers have their own individual approach but, so long as you have work carried out by a professional company who can provide the necessary warranties, we find that mortgage companies are usually prepared to lend on properties infested with Japanese Knotweed.

Why is it problematic? Why should I be worried?

Japanese Knotweed has no natural predators in Ireland and grows to the preclusion of all native species. It is a very hardy plant, which cannot be killed by simply cutting it down. The plant can cause damage to hard structures including walls, tarmac and other hard surfaces by exposing weaknesses or defects. It can also block or damage man-made drains and sewers.

Japanese Knotweed tends to exploit existing weaknesses in structures and will usually penetrate through easy routes to sunlight and nutrients, such as mortar between bricks, joins between concrete slabs and gaps between fencing or paving slabs.

This species has also been shown to be responsible for blocking natural drainage systems and reducing light levels on watercourses, as well as reducing biodiversity in natural ecosystems.

The Japanese Knotweed root system is extensive and Government research has shown that beyond the growth that you can see above the ground, the plant can extend up to 3 metres vertically down, and up to 7 metres horizontally outward.

The plant often enters a dormant state when it is overdosed with herbicide. Incredibly, re-growth from its dormant state has been observed after over 20 years in “hibernation”.